Tax Blog
Tips to help you prepare for tax season
The latest tax tips and news from Business IT IS!
Tax Fraud and Scams Online and Offshore: The IRS Dirty Dozen, Part 2
As part of the Dirty Dozen tax scams and fraud awareness effort, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) encourages people to report individuals who promot
How to Prevent Costly Tax Return Mistakes
Preparing to file your federal tax return? Review some common mistakes people make and how you can avoid them this tax season.
The post How to Prevent
Tax Audit: How to Stop Worrying in Five Easy Steps
If you’re losing sleep over the possibility of a tax audit, put your mind at ease. Here are five reasons you might want to stop worrying.
The post Tax
Mid-Year Business Tax Review: Maximizing Tax Efficiency
Perform a mid year tax review of your business activities including tax liabilities to optimize savings and spending for the next tax season.
The post
IRS Disaster Relief
Filing deadlines often change for taxpayers in regions that experience natural disasters. When these extreme weather events hit, the Internal Revenue
Use IP PINs for Extra Security
It’s never too early to start planning for the next tax season. For millions of tax pros, that means figuring how to make their operations more secu
Latest tips from the IRS
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